Joe Scarborough Reveals If He Thinks Trump Will Ever Take The Stand

On Wednesday’s episode of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough spoke out to respond to reports that New York prosecutors have put together a pecial grand jury to consider evidence in a criminal probe into former President Donald Trump’s business dealings.

As for whether Trump will testify, Scarborough said that he has heard from those in the New York legal world that “you just don’t put a former president on the stand unless you have an open and shut case.” That’s why Scarborough does not believe Trump will end up taking the stand.

“It will be both a pro-prosecution story, but also one designed to see if this case goes to trial and we charge the Trump Organization, we charge individuals, then is that an airtight case? Because … you don’t charge the organization of the former president, and you certainly don’t charge the former president or his family members with a crime unless it’s a slam dunk. Unless you know you can win,” said Georgetown University law professor Paul Butler.

“I was just going to say I’ve talked not only to legal people around New York but also a lot of political people for the past six months to a year when there was talk of Donald Trump possibly being tried by New York State or by [Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr.],” Scarborough replied.

“And their conclusion was the same thing as Paul’s, which is, yeah, we’re probably never going to see the president on the stand,” he added. “You just don’t put a former president on the stand unless you have an open and shut case.”

This comes days after Scarborough told Trump supporters who are still questioning the results of the election to leave the country.

“If you believe that, I will say to you what many of you said in the 1960s: America, love it or leave it,” Scarborough screamed, according to Newsweek.

“If you don’t have respect in American democracy anymore if you don’t respect Madisonian checks and balances if your guy doesn’t win, if that’s the new rules of engagement for this great republic, then just leave our country because you’re unworthy of it,” he continued.


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