10 Decade-Defining Events in U.S History

Every state is powerful to protect themselves from wars that are fought within them.m, but there remain events that define the future of states. There are a bunch of events that define upcoming decades, for example, the atomic bomb explosion on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, as well as crashes, and cold wars. 

These events put everyone as white as sheets, and cost an arm and a leg. Never mind, these events are not always fearful, but good too. 

Every state has its decade-defining events and so has the U.S, moreover, the events not only changed the future of the U.S but turn out to be historical moments for them. Here are some of the decade-defining events that happened in U.S history. 

The United States of America and its charter (1787) 

When the United States of America finally won the independence war which cost an arm and a leg, they decided to lay down some basic charter to govern the country. However, no one knew that these laws were put down to grow and develop the country, making it easier to adjust them according to situations, or to be applied strictly and were binding in any situation. This put a serious question on the future of the U.S. 

Warfare of New Orleans (1815) 

The Americans had got a lot on their plates on the fields against British troops. An unorganised American army under the leadership of Andrew Jackson defeated the British army at the battle of New Orleans, on 8th January 1815. However, the issue had already been solved by signing a peace treaty, the Treaty of Ghent on 24 December 1814. The news of the treaty didn’t reach out to armies and a rumour that the U.S won the war spread out like a fir in the jungle, thus this issue remained unresolved. 

Monroe Doctrine (1823) 

An Era of good feelings arose from the year 1815 to 1825, which are called to be years of wealth and isolationism for the U.S. It was all going well when president James Monroe released his principles in 1823, which He called, Monroe Doctrine. Regarding these principles, the U.S would not intercede into European matters, and at the same moment, would not tolerate any interventions in U.S governments. It is controversial that the U.S is powerful enough to back up its swagger style, and become a world power to create a greater influence globally. 

Stock Market Crash (1929)

Americans are found to be very much interested in earning through business. It was almost the twenties and everything was peaceful, prosperous and perfect until the stock market of the U.S crashed and put the economy in deep depression which lead to further chaos and losses. 

FDR’s First Fireside Chat (1993)

On 12Th March 1993, Franklin D . Roosevelt, formed the first informal radio station, the fireside chats, which was set up to support a lot of economic reliefs & reforms in industry, agriculture, finance, labour and housing but end up contributing to giving hope and hopelessness to during WWII and depression times. 

The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945) 

In 1945, President of the U.S, Harry S. Truman thought of dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to prevent greater losses to them and to shut them up for a long time. But this led to further chaos as no one had imagined such a huge loss of life. 

U.S Army – McCarthy Hearings (1954) 

In 1954, Joseph McCarthy named himself as McCarthyism to support communists, but was found guilty and charged for his evil tactics. when he lost his powers and influence. 

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (1968) 

The country was full of civil chaos, or say it cold wars. King Arthur was the most protuberant civil rights leader, he shared what could be the results of this chaos, yet was assassinated brutally. 

Watergate Scandal ( 1972-74) 

The Watergate scandal was the great scandal of the U.S, which involved political parties, and at last, became the reason for Nixon’s resignation. This was a disturbing act and a disillusionment for the upcoming decade.

PATCO Strike (1981) 

PATCO strike was a strike by professional Air Traffic controllers and president Ronald Reagan had won against unions and weakened them for long terms. This strike has a greater role as it’s also made the president’s administration senseful. 

The Monica Lewinsky Affair (1998-99) 

Bill Clinton has been ruling the country badly, creating a defect and failing to apply policies but was safe. On the other hand, he was charged with the case that he had been in an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, this lead to his impeachment. But, he found a way and cleared his charges. 

September 11 Attacks. 

It’s said that Islamist terrorists crashed a hijacked plane into twin trade centre towers in New York and killed almost 3000 people from it. This incident is also known as 9/11. 

Election of Donald Trump (2016) 

Donald Trump who was a nationalist and anti-immigrant was seen winning more votes and becoming the next president of the United States of America. Before that, the U.S was divided into democratic states and conservative states. 


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